IFI Helpful Thoughts Archive

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Topical pieces that generally or loosely relate to other blog categories (“Top 5 lists”, cultural background, etc.)


Raising the Flag

It’s your first day on campus. Everything is so big, new and mysterious. You’re in a new country. You’re awestruck at how different everything and everyone is from you and where you grew up. All day, it seems like you’re constantly reminded: ”I’m not home anymore.” Then, surprisingly, as your day comes to a close, […]

Make a Difference (Banner)

IFI Buddy Partner Program

“I always thank my God for you because of his grace given you in Christ Jesus.” (I Corinthians 1:14) We are thankful for you! It has been a privilege to serve alongside you during the ever-changing COVID-19 season. We appreciate your flexibility and heart to serve by providing airport rides, helping with grocery trips, maintaining […]