The Developer
Student digs deep to develop his relationship with God.
Life involves inevitable change. Often, this change is quick and can catch one off guard.
For *Izzy, this reality unfolded before his eyes at a young age.
“I grew up in Kumasi, the second-largest economic city in Ghana. When I was growing up, Kumasi was actually covered with a lot of vegetation. During the British colonial period, Kumasi was actually referred to as the Garden City of West Africa due to how beautiful it was. By the time I graduated from High School, what we call “development” had led to natural habitats being replaced by buildings and mechanic shops.”
The change and loss that Izzy perceived as his home developed around him made a life-long impression on him. He wanted to learn why and how this was happening. But processing the complexities that are involved in industrial and land development can seem overwhelming. Not for a mind like his, though.
“In academics, I have always been very critical in thinking and I like to analyze things. I used to be very good at a local game called ‘Oware’. It is more technical and involves a lot of calculation and building good strategies to win.”
Izzy’s capacity and passion for unwrapping the layers of an issue led him to study International Development in the States, focusing on geopolitical and economic imbalances in the world. His goal is to earn his PHD, and actively contribute to efforts that help developing countries establish a solid understanding of the methods that governmental authorities use to affect the lives of people every day.
“Everything around us is about international developments. You need to know why things are going on in order to help communities understand how to move forward.
These issues are difficult to tackle, but Izzy’s desire to create positive change helps him keep going. Maybe, this desire comes from the change he experienced at the hands of God.
“When I received Christ back in High School, I stopped getting involved in bad behaviors. I saw God as a father, there to give me things. I prayed to Him, but only when I needed something.”
This perception did not change until after he graduated High School. Izzy’s pastor, after two years of watching him grow, gave him the role of Prayer and Bible Discussion Leader for his church. There was just one problem: Izzy hadn’t read much of the Bible. He began doing so to prepare for his new role, and suddenly found that he was understanding God in a new way.
“You have that feeling when you know God is close. I started to hear His voice and he began to speak and direct me personally instead of through someone else.”
Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you…- James 4:8
As he continued to read the Word of God and listen to the voice of God, Izzy began to notice changes in himself. The hot temper that had followed him throughout his life was cooling. The weaknesses of his character were beginning to come to the surface and being resolved. He began praying to ask God for direction and guidance, not just things he could use. God was developing his heart.
So when Izzy saw IFI’s advertisement for its ISEED internship program, an opportunity to gain professional experience and undergo spiritual growth, Izzy was more than willing to participate. He would recommend that other graduate students do the same:
“The classes and book recommendations helped me to understand the context of things in the Bible, which helps appreciate the word of God and build my trust in Him.”
So as the world continues to develop around him, and he tries to help others keep up, Izzy can trust that the development that God is making in his heart will continue as well.
*Name is changed for the privacy and safety of the student