Staff Highlight: Xia Shen

We are blessed with an amazing staff team at IFI in Columbus! Each month we would like to shine the spotlight on one of the IFI team members so you can meet them up close and personal.
During the pandemic God opened the door for three new international staff to raise support and join the IFI Campus Ministry Team in Fall 2020! We would like to highlight each of these staff over the next 3 months. Xia Shen is one of these new staff members! She was a part of the IFI iSEED program in the 2019-20 school year where she grew in faith and personal development. This experience as an iSEED-er has helped her to better understand her identity in Christ, the characteristics of God, and how to disciple others.
“I want to see international students' lives changed” –Xia
Prior to joining iSEED, she was an undergraduate student in Early Childhood Education at The Ohio State University. She participated in IFI events and became a believer through a Friday Night Bible Discussion group. Her life was impacted by IFI in a big way, and her desire is to see other international students' lives changed too. She understands the value of making an impact through the small details and interactions with others, whether that be offering a ride to the grocery store or offering a word of encouragement. These intentional small acts can extend the love and care of Christ to others!
Xia experienced how truly life-giving encouragement can be when she was discipling one girl in particular. They had grown close, but then suddenly this girl drew away from Xia. Xia shared an uplifting message about her identity in Christ with this girl, and through these supportive words and the love of Christ, their relationship was restored.
Please pray for Xia to continue to hear from God as she is a full time Campus Minister focusing on student outreach, evangelism, and building relationships with students. Please also pray that Xia would reach full funding in the next few months. Since she just joined IFI only 4 months ago, she still needs to raise $1200/month in financial support.
Contact Xia at to learn more about her ministry and how you can be part of her prayer and financial support team!
More help is needed--have you considered filling a staff position as a volunteer or paid worker? We are currently looking for a Social Media Specialist, Content Writer, Campus Staff (at OSU, Ohio Wesleyan, Denison, Columbus State). See or contact Phil at for more information on job opportunities.