Pray, Serve, Give! (Jan 2021)


  • Praise God for the Vision Conference--there were 60 IFI participants including students, staff, and volunteers who participated virtually. Please pray that the seeds sown will take root and grow.
  • Please pray for the safety of students and the staff and volunteers who are interacting with them.
  • Please pray that the students who traveled back home over the holiday break will return to Columbus safely.
  • Praise God for the 130+ volunteers and students who meet weekly as virtual and in-person conversation partners! Please pray for a bond of trust and friendship to develop, and for natural conversations about spiritual topics.
  • Praise God for the 18 internationals who have come to Christ in 2020! Please pray they would have an opportunity to be discipled and grow in their faith.
  • Praise God that Karen Mack and her conversation partner were able to host an "IFI Virtual Kitchen" event where they showed how to make Lasagna. Pray that this might turn into a regular outreach event, and that there would be more ideas for outreach in these unusual times!


  • Meet weekly online with an international as a virtual conversation partner.
  • Please join us on Saturday, Jan. 30th from 2-4pm for an online volunteer training event: "Creativity, Compassion & COVID: Caring for internationals during a pandemic."! Enjoy international worship, hear from students about their needs and get ideas from other volunteers about how they have maintained friendships with students during this time. Sign up here by Jan. 25th.
  • Involve your small group in preparing care packages for students during finals. Email Leila for more info.