Staff Highlight: Phil Foell
We are blessed with an amazing staff team at IFI in Columbus! Each month we shine the spotlight on one of the IFI team members, so you can meet them up close and personal.
There are so many staff who work tirelessly to reach out to internationals and support the efforts of staff and volunteers. Phil Foell, IFI City Director in Columbus, is a servant leader who provides direction to and cares for the staff team. Phil has served in this position since 2018, but has been with IFI in various roles since 2010...
In addition to leading a Bible discussion group and befriending internationals, he wears many hats, such as, overseeing a team of more than 30 people, establishing connections with campus and ministry leaders and churches, and raising funds.
Before joining the IFI team, Phil earned his undergraduate degree in Management and Computer Science from Case Western Reserve and worked for Xerox for 15 years. He then transitioned into ministry where he served as a pastor at a local church for five years until officially joining IFI.
Phil started as a Campus Minister and slowly took on more responsibilities, such as the ISEED coordinator and event coordinator, until full time positions were established for those roles. He has brought a spirit of organization, structure, and process to the IFI team. Phil values IFI’s strategic approach to mission and reaching the nations as they come into our nation.
Phil frequently says, “Jesus’ last command should be our first concern.”
He has seen God move through the lives of students and felt God’s presence while serving international students. He remembers a time when a student asked him, “What should we say when we pray to God?” In taking a moment to pray for help in answering the question, the Lord reminded Phil that Jesus’ disciples asked the very same question. Phil was able to tell this student about the Lord’s prayer, the disciples and Jesus.
Phil would love to one day visit the underground church in the Muslim world and an effective India church that ministers to Hindus.
He asks for prayer that he would be able to effectively keep up with the size of IFI ministry as it continues to grow. He also asks that the Columbus team be focused on balanced ministry and aligned in their approach to mission.
More help is needed--have you considered filling a staff position as a volunteer or paid worker? See or contact Phil at for more information on job opportunities.