Archive by Author


The Developer

Student digs deep to develop his relationship with God. Life involves inevitable change. Often, this change is quick and can catch one off guard. For *Izzy, this reality unfolded before his eyes at a young age. “I grew up in Kumasi, the second-largest economic city in Ghana. When I was growing up, Kumasi was actually […]


At the Table

Volunteers answer the call, the questions of a Muslim student. Sometimes difficult conversations happen when people are discussing a religious or cultural topic, but they don’t share the same beliefs. Those moments can feel uncomfortable and tense, and may quickly devolve into debate. But what happens when the conversation is taken from the debate desk, […]


Because I am Helped

Student serves with IFI in appreciation for being served. “I’m called to love on students, but I don’t always expect them to love us back.” For Xia, an Ohio State campus minister for IFI, it can be very draining when the love and service she extends to students is not reciprocated. Though her head knows […]

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Newsletter – Oct. 2021: A Diverse Focus

“Even with so many fish, the nets did not break.”  (John 21:11) After a busy August, the Columbus Campus staff used September to get down to business running weekly Bible discussion groups and meeting with students one-on-one.  We have 20 Bible discussion groups that have started, with over 120 students attending and 40 volunteers helping.  […]


Troubling the Water

Minister sees a prayer answered by the heart of a friend. “Here a great number of disabled people used to lie—the blind, the lame, the paralyzed. One who was there had been an invalid for thirty-eight years.” (John 5:3-5) The wait is always the hardest part. “I’ve been praying for over a year to find […]

Staff Highlight (Banner)

Staff Highlight: Danny Walker

We are blessed with an amazing staff team at IFI in Columbus! Each month we shine the spotlight on one of the Columbus team members, so you can meet them up close and personally. There are so many staff who work tirelessly behind the scenes to help IFI remain prepared to serve. Danny has served […]


The Explorer

Student discovers acceptance and community. *Rob, the first son of ten siblings, grew up in an Iranian farming village that always seemed too small. “I would spend most of my time in the new library that opened, reading as many fantasy and folklore books as I could. Each book was a new world to explore.” […]


Our Heart Language

Minister connects students at her home. “It was good!” Fabiola Jara – The IFI Columbus team’s master-mover –  nods emphatically and clasps her hands thoughtfully as she looks back to that beautiful day. “It was very good!” she says, referring to her first coordinated event as the coordinator for IFI’s developing Hispanic Friendship Team. Faby […]

Make a Difference (Banner)

IFI Buddy Partner Program

“I always thank my God for you because of his grace given you in Christ Jesus.” (I Corinthians 1:14) We are thankful for you! It has been a privilege to serve alongside you during the ever-changing COVID-19 season. We appreciate your flexibility and heart to serve by providing airport rides, helping with grocery trips, maintaining […]