Pray, Serve, Give! (Dec 2020)
- Praise God that 120+ people prayed during the 24 hours of prayer for international students and IFI on 11/17.
- Please pray for safety of students and staff and volunteers who are interacting with them.
- Please pray for safe travels for students who participated in the return home over the holiday break.
- Praise God for the 130+ volunteers and students who meet weekly as (virtual) and in-person conversation partners!
- Meet weekly online with an international as a virtual conversation partner.
- Invite a few Internationals to enjoy a Christmas Meal in your home on 12/24, 12/25 or 12/26.
- Save the Date! Saturday, Jan. 30th from 2-4pm for an online volunteer training event: "Creativity, Compassion & COVID: Caring for internationals during a pandemic." Enjoy international worship, hear from students about their needs and get ideas from other volunteers about how they have maintained friendships with students during this time.
- Donate to IFI Columbus Designated Projects. Set up a monthly (or one-time) donation to help grow our ministry impact!
- Do your Christmas shopping and give to IFI at the same time through Amazon Smile and Kroger Community Rewards programs.