We all face many questions when we consider the end of our lives: Are my estate plans sufficient? Do I have the correct documents in place? What about the items God has entrusted me to manage?

IFI is pleased to offer our supporters a free workshop on legacy planning!

The next group session is to be determined. However, individual sessions are being offered online on an individual basis. Please sign up to be contacted for an appointment.

 Every Christian needs a will: it’s an essential task to complete, no matter your age or the size of your estate, and helps to protect what God has blessed you with. - Tom Aakus

Tom Aakus, a Legacy Planning Coach, is offering to do a complimentary and confidential workshop for the IFI partners in Columbus on getting our "House in Order".

Tom has been providing Estate Design Services and advising Christians about this topic for a number of years.
The seminar will help explore the important questions above and other questions about topics such as a will, a trust, a medical power of attorney, etc.

During the workshop, you will be introduced to a FREE tool to write your will. Writing a will can help:

  • Assign guardians for children and pets
  • Make a plan about who will receive family heirlooms, real estate, or other possessions
  • Make a powerful legacy and help you spread the love of Christ, forever

Please come to learn how you can live well and leave well, while blessing your loved ones and churches and organizations that are close to your heart.

Be sure to bring a laptop/tablet (and your spouse, if married) with you. An attorney will be present to help you get all the necessary documents completed.

Please sign up below for one of the small group sessions, or indicate if you prefer a private session with Tom.


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Seminar Options (Check all that apply)
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IFI Office Meeting Room

1520 Old Henderson Rd