A World of Grandchildren
"I love having grandchildren from all over the world!"
–Norma, IFI Volunteer
We interviewed an IFI volunteer, Norma Foell. She lives with her son, Phil, who is a member of the IFI staff. She interacts with students weekly during the Bible discussion group. When asked about her relationship with students, Norma said, "I love having grandchildren from all over the world! It is a real blessing to me. They are such loving and wonderful young people. I like to be able to be family to them when they are so far from their own families."
Norma and an international student share a hug, pre-COVID
She commented that things are different since the pandemic. "The hardest thing right now is not being able to meet with students personally--I love seeing them, giving and getting hugs, which we can’t do over the Zoom screen. I do get to see a few of them on Zoom, but I don’t get to see them in person, as I most enjoy. I just got my first COVID vaccine shot, so am looking forward to seeing students again in person later this year."
A recent Zoom meeting photo, Norma is in the top right corner
As Norma reflected on her involvement, she is thankful for IFI. She remarked, "IFI is a very worthwhile program and it gives you an opportunity to show the world that we are a loving and accepting country, and to show the love of Jesus. I receive many more blessings by being a grandmother to so many awesome young people. The students have changed over the years. It is as much a blessing to me as it is hopefully a comfort to them to feel that they have family here."
The IFI staff are thankful for volunteers like you and Norma who reach out to students in friendship with God's love!
Last group meeting in our home, March 2020, just before the shut down