"And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others."
- 2 Timothy 2:2
IFI offers weekly Bible Discussions Groups for international students, scholars, and their families. These groups are lead by IFI staff or Key volunteers who have been trained to provide spaces for students to gather and discuss the Bible and Jesus.
These groups tend to require help to serve and support the students that attend. Would like to support these groups by serving as a Bible Discussion Group Helper (GH)?
IMPORTANT NOTE: You must be a trained, activated IFI volunteer to serve in this capacity.

Need to become an IFI volunteer? Click here to get started.
- IFI Bible Discussions Groups give internationals the opportunity to learn more about the Bible and to build friendships. No prior knowledge of the Bible is necessary for internationals who want to participate in any of IFI’s weekly group meetings. In addition to studying the Bible, most of our small groups eat together regularly.
- By serving as a Group Helper, you will have the opportunity to:
- Connect with and befriend more international students
- Support students as they learn about Jesus and the Bible
- Learn about student's perspectives on the Bible
- Be trained to help internationals share what they learn about the Bible
Assist the group leader by taking responsibility in one or more of the following areas:
- Providing rides for students
- Showing hospitality by providing a meeting location, food and/or supplies for activities
- Setting-up and/or tearing-down meeting spaces for the group
- Facilitating Bible discussion among students
- Planning social activities
- Connecting and following up with students
If you have any questions about which small group may be best for your international friend, please contact the leader of that group directly.
All of the groups help students learn about God and Jesus at their level of interest. Some of the groups are made up of a specific cultural group.
Click here to view the full list of active Bible Discussion Groups.
Please consider not just inviting your student to a group, but possibly attending that group with him/her for the first time. If that is not possible, then please let the small group leader know. Perhaps they or one of the other leaders of the group could contact your international friend and invite him/her to come and/or offer a ride.
Note: If you are considering doing a one-on-one Bible Study with your international friend, please email John C. for a list of suggested resources.
Active Groups Seeking Helpers last school year. (Please email: to get connected to group leaders who are meeting in the Summer.)
Contact Leader(s): Rich Mendola, Faby Jara, Sara Negron, Abby Zou
Meeting Times: Fridays @ 7:00pm
Please contact Rich Mendola at for more details about ways to help.
Contact Leader(s): Sara Gillette
Meeting Times: Fridays @ 9:30am – 11:00am & Mondays @ 6:00pm – 8:00pm
Ways to Serve: Visit our International Mom's Group (IMG) for more information about ways to help.