"‘Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you!"
- Isaiah 49:15 NIV
The International Mother’s Group (IMG) is an outreach to international mothers and their young children. It offers opportunities for the moms to have genuine friendships with local Americans, as well as a safe environment in which to practice their English, and discuss parenting or cultural topics. As needed, we assist the moms with their adjustment and caring for their families in a new culture. Moms will read and discuss passages from the Bible. Other activities may be planned from time to time such as crafts, potlucks and trips.
For more information and to volunteer to help, please contact 0ur team at .
- Updated schedule coming soon.
Meeting Location: Various "kid-friendly" homes among the group's community of moms
Meeting Time:
- Friday mornings (may vary based on holidays) @ 9:30am -11:00am
- Monday evenings 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Four (4) female helpers are needed to serve 2-4 times a month to support and befriend international moms.
There are several different areas in which you can help prepare for and serve at the meeting:
- Help plan special events and trips
- Help to prepare a 20-30 minute Bible lesson and lead a discussion once or twice a month
- Drive moms and children that need a ride
- Assist with Childcare
- Set-up and clean-up
- Provide snacks
For more detailed information on the above areas of involvement click here.
For more information and to volunteer to help, please contact our team .
- What is the group? What do they do at meetings?
By showing love and concern for the moms and their children, we hope to have an opportunity to reveal God’s love to them, and let them know of other IFI activities that may be helpful to them spiritually. During Friday meetings we have refreshments, discuss a topic in English, and have activities for the children. During Monday meetings, we typically offer activities that involve entire families - moms, kids, and spouses. For more information about meeting dates, times and location, email Sara Gillette or Beth Gass. - How can I help with the IMG?
The opportunities to serve include helping with the children, bringing refreshments, and/or befriending a mom. This is an excellent opportunity for stay-at-home moms and home-schooled families to serve international families.