Serve: Hocking Hills Day Trip!
Saturday, October 12, 2024
Event Time:
9:00am – 7:30pm
IFI is taking international students on a day-trip to the beautiful Hocking Hills State Park.
We’d love for you to help us serve in the following ways:
1. Drive Students to Hocking Hills (signup by Sept. 30th)
70 Drivers are needed to transport a group of students to Hocking Hills and to spend the day with them hiking, talking, and connecting. Pickup will be at 9:00am (try to leave Columbus no later than 10:00am)
Locations for Student Pickup:
Important Note: Volunteer drivers must be screened, trained, and approved volunteers and must have three (3) years driving experience in order to transport students. Drivers may bring one guest who is not yet an IFI volunteer.
2. Hike and Interact with Students
Spend the day enjoying the beauty of God’s creation together with internationals! Please come prepared with water and comfortable shoes for walking. We recommend you dress in a warmer coat or sweatshirt for the morning that can be removed for the afternoon. And don’t forget your camera/phone!
Hocking Hills | Sample Schedule for Volunteers
Note: You will be taking this trip with your own group, but you will likely see other groups of IFI students, staff, and volunteers while hiking.
9:00 am – 10:00 am: Pick up students and depart Columbus (try to leave no later than 10:00am)
10:30 am – 12:30 am: Arrive at hocking Hills for Hike 1
12:30 pm – 1:30 pm: Eat Lunch (bring a packed lunch and drink for yourself)
1:30 pm – 3:30 pm: Hike 2
3:30 pm – 4:30 pm: Hike 3
4:00 pm – 6:00 pm: Serve dinner
6:30 pm – 7:30 pm: Leave Hocking Hills region and drive back to Columbus. (Please plan to leave well before dark.) Also, please discuss a drop off time with your student(s) prior to the event.
2. Provide Dinner for students
We would like to provide dinner between 4:30-6pm. Please consider mobilizing people from your church to provide and prepare a hot meal and 6-10 people to come and serve the meal as a special gift to our international friends. Food options include:
- Soup/Chili (Please deliver the hot soup to the shelter at Hocking Hills and stay to serve food.)
- Corn Bread/Rolls (Groups that provide will need to come and deliver)
- Home Baked Cookies in single-serve baggies (Can be dropped off at the IFI office between Oct. 7-10th)
- Small bags of chips and crackers (Can be dropped off at the IFI office between Oct. 7-10th)
- Apple Cider (Can be dropped off at the IFI office between Oct. 7-10th)
- Bottled Water (Can be dropped off at the IFI office between Oct. 7-10th)
Please provide servings for 75-100 people. We anticipate serving 250 internationals and their drivers.
Please sign up here to let us know what you will bring and if you/your group will be coming to serve the soup and other food. Contact us at if you have questions about this opportunity.
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Hocking Hills | Volunteers