Loving Your Neighbor Training


Saturday, August 31 @ 1:30p - 3:30p or 3:30p - 5:30p
(Part 1 Recap - Lesson 2-3)
Saturday, September 14 @ 3:30p - 5:30p
(Part 1 Recap - Lesson 4-5)
Saturday, September 21 @ 12:00p - 4:00p (Part 2)


Part 1 Recap Sessions: Online via Zoom

Part 2: IFI Office
1520 Old Henderson Rd.
Columbus, OH 43220

Love Your Neighbor is a practical training on discussing Jesus with your Hindu neighbors.

Features of the Love Your Neighbor training include:

  • Lively interactive teaching, videos, and group discussions
  • Practical strategies, tools and action points for continued application
  • A workbook packed with resources
  • Principals applicable to people from a variety of background

The training will also include a visit to a local temple. The date is of the visit is TBD.

A $30 registration fee is required for this training. This fee will cover: 1) a Notebook of extensive materials, 2) Lunch for each training session, and 3) Refreshments for each training session.

For questions or more information, contact our Mission Support Team.

Volunteer Training - Indian/Hindu Training

Love Your Neighbor is a practical training on discussing Jesus with your Hindu neighbors.

Pls have spouse sign up separately
This fee will cover: 1) a Notebook of extensive materials, 2) Lunch for each training session 3) Refreshments for each training session
Cancellation Policy(Required)
Please read our cancellation policy carefully. Agreement to the terms of this policy is required before making payment. 1. If you cancel before paying, there is no charge and no refund available. 2. After paying for the event, if you decide you cannot come and we can find a replacement for you, there is a $25.00 charge to cancel your registration. 3. After paying for the event, if you decide you cannot come and we cannot find a replacement for you, there is no refund available. 4. If you do not show up at the event, or you show up late, there is no refund available.

SF Connector Info
