“(As for other matters, brothers and sisters,) pray for us that the message of the Lord may spread rapidly and be honored, just as it was with you.” 2 Thessalonians 3:1 (NIV) God is at work through you to accomplish his great purposes. Though ministry looks very different this year, we are still hearing of […]
Archive by Author

Staff Highlight: Tosan Otokuefer
We are blessed with an amazing staff team at IFI in Columbus! Each month we would like to shine the spotlight on one of the IFI team members so you can meet them up close and personal. Tosan is one of the newest staff members and has served as the Event Coordinator since June 2020. […]
Pray, Serve, Give! (Oct 2020)
PRAY Your group can adopt and pray for an IFI Bible discussion group. Email Leila Continue to pray that God would connect us with students that are seeking him and that the gospel would bear much fruit this year. Thank you!! Save the date: November 17th- Join others to pray for international students during the […]
Newsletter – Oct 2020: Welcome to the Columbus Newsletter
“And there are different ways that God works through people but the same God works in all of us in everything we do.” 1 Corinthians 12:6 (NCV) Hello IFI Friend, You are vital to the ministry outreach of IFI in Columbus! We are making efforts to improve our communication about the specific opportunities and upcoming […]
A Growing Team!
God is growing the team at IFI! Two of our recent iSEED internship graduates felt called to join our OSU Campus Ministry team, working in student’s hearts through friendships with faithful volunteers. One volunteer told us his Conversation Partner from last fall was interested in reading the Bible. Another told us that her Conversation Partner […]
God’s Works During Quarantine
The year 2020 has been very unusual for everyone and IFI is no different! In March, when quarantine shut down universities and other businesses, IFI remained open as an essential service provider and hundreds of internationals were helped! IFI staff and volunteers continued to serve in creative ways, like helping students move out of the […]